Product Verification

Enter the IMEI code in the label to check the authenticity

Anti-counterfeiting lottery coupons can be divided into lottery coupons, gift cards, lottery tickets, scratch-offs, and are widely used in activities planned by merchants to attract or return customers.Valuable lottery tickets, especially the special scratch-off coupons, inevitably involve anti-counterfeiting problems,and the difficulty of anti-counterfeiting will be greatly increased. Almost all lotteries will use comprehensive anti-counterfeiting and multiple verification methods to prevent imitation and forgery.

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Your query result is as follows

Manufacturer:{{ queryInfo.companyName }}

Release Date:{{ }}

Product Name:{{ queryInfo.productName?queryInfo.productName:'暂无' }}

{{ item.value }}

Corresponding code: {{ queryInfo.checkCodeValue }}
Number of queries: {{ queryInfo.queryTimes }}
Inquiry time: {{ queryInfo.firstTime }}
The product is genuine. The current query is the first query. Query time:{{queryInfo.firstTime}} The anti-counterfeiting code has been queried {{queryInfo.queryTimes}} times,First query time:{{queryInfo.firstTime}}.Please note that the anti-counterfeiting code has been queried many times. Beware of counterfeiting!
Check code
{{ queryInfo.checkCode }}
*This anti-counterfeiting code supports secondary query, you can download the Asyun app from the Apple Store or Google PLAY to get more information

Oops, no info found

When your input is wrong or the product has not been put into storage, there may be cases where no information can be found, which is not necessarily a fake, please check in detail.

Check input Download Asyun Query

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